Meaning adaptive optics
What does adaptive optics mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word adaptive optics. You can also add a definition of adaptive optics yourself


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adaptive optics

Corrects for the distorting effects of the atmosphere on incoming light. Some systems use a beam splitter, a reference or artificial star and powerful computer processing to deform small tertiary mirror at a frequency of several hundred hertz to compensate for the distortions. Current systems work better at IR wavebands than in optical light.
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adaptive optics

technology used to improve performance of optical systems through the reduction of rapidly changing optical distortion. It is used to remove atmospheric distortion through the use of astronomical tele [..]


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adaptive optics

(astronomy,optics) An optical system in telescopes that reduces atmospheric distortion by dynamically measuring and correcting wavefront aberrations in real time, often by using a deformable mirror. [..]

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